
Six former Congress MLAs resigned in support of Ghulam Nabi Azad

It was rumoured that he would join the BJP after leaving the Congress

New Delhi: Senior leader Ghulam Nabi Azad has resigned from all the posts of Congress today. It was rumoured that he would join the BJP after leaving the Congress after many years. Now Azad is going to form a new party. In support of his resignation, six former Congress MLAs have resigned.

Among the six former MLAs who resigned from the Congress today are GM Saruri, Haji Abdul Rashid, Mohammad Amin Bhat, Gulzar Ahmed Bani, Chaudhuri Mohammad Akram and RS Chib. All these leaders were Congress MLAs. We are telling you that RS Chib and GM Saruri were ministers in Jammu and Kashmir during the Congress government. All have resigned in support of Azad.

Notably, senior Congress leader Ghulambi Azad has resigned from all posts today, breaking ties with the party. He wrote a 5-page letter to Sonia Gandhi and expressed his displeasure with the party. Not only this, he has also directly attacked Rahul Gandhi by breaking the 51-year-old relationship with the Congress.

In his resignation letter, he wrote that the party was working well under (Sonia Gandhi) chairmanship and advice was taken from everyone. But after the entry of Rahul Gandhi in 2013, this system of Congress ended. Ghulam Nabi Azad writes, “Unfortunately, after Rahul Gandhi entered politics, and especially after he became Congress Vice President in January 2013, the tradition of following advice was lost.” Ghulam Nabi Azad said that after Rahul Gandhi’s arrival, all senior and experienced leaders were ignored. Similarly, the inexperienced were given place instead of the experienced.

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