Fast Facts of  Bats

Varies according to species

Size :- Largest wingspan – flying foxes 2 meters (78.74 in.) Smallest wingspan – bumblebee bat 16 cm (6.24 in.)

Weight :-14 g to 1.5 kg (0.5 oz. to 3.3 lbs.)

Diet:-  Fruits, flowers, leaves, insects, frogs, fish, small mammals, reptiles, blood of vertebrates

Incubation :- 1.5 to 9 months depending on the species

Sexual Maturity:- Unknown for most species; those known range from 6 months to 2 years

Life Span :- 4 to 30 years depending on the species

Habitat :- Rainforests, arid deserts

Range :- South America, Africa, Southeast Asia (rainforests), Sahara, Middle East, and Southwest United States (hot arid deserts). All continents except for Antarctica.