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While Sri Lanka denies the Chinese spy ship is coming

While Sri Lanka denies the Chinese spy ship is coming

While Sri Lanka denies the Chinese spy ship is coming

New Delhi: Despite India’s concerns and Sri Lanka’s request, China’s spy ship Yuan Wang-5 is arriving at Hambantota port. At 10 am (Indian time) on Tuesday, the ship was moving near western Indonesia. It is moving at a speed of 26 km per hour. It is likely to reach Sri Lanka’s Hambantota port by 9:30 am next Thursday.

Since it is a missile tracking ship, India expressed concern about it. Colombo asked China to delay the arrival of the ship after India conveyed this concern to Sri Lanka. But regardless, the Chinese ships are coming.

According to Guinda report, the aerial range of this ship is about 750 km. This means the ship can collect all the information of the entire South India while in Sri Lankan port. South India has some of India’s most important military establishments. Among them are Naval Ghats in Visakhapatna and Kochi, Kudankulam and Kalpakam Nuclear Centers in Tamil Nadu, ISRO etc. China can collect information on these institutions through its spy ships. So India is worried about this ship.

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